When you wake up before special day you got big pimples on your face, do you like it? Nobody like it. We all know how irritating acne is, that’s why most of people are searching for the fastest way to remove acne overnight.
If you want to remove acne fast, here is some tips to remove it without stressing yourself:
- You should stop pinching the pimples. It causes it to swell and become red, and it also makes the oil and the bacteria to spread to other parts of your face or body. By doing that pimples get swell and become red, it also spread bacteria and oil to other part of face and body.
- Make sure you remember to apply ice every 30 minutes and hold for about five minutes or more. It reduces redness, swelling and pain, which also comes with it.
- Wash your face daily three times using a cleanser or a mild soap that is not harsh to the skin. You can also rub the skin gently with a towel, without rubbing too hard so that you can not soak your skin of it natural oil.
- Cover the pimples with a light cream mask of flesh-tone, covers up oily luster and acne can be reduced almost immediately.
- Apply a cream containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Make sure you don’t use too much of these remedy because it can cause skin dry.
- Don’t use makeup that is oily, because they block the pores of the skin and lead to acne formation. Before going to bed remove your makeup at night using acne fighting medicine
- If you’re waiting for overnight cure to your skin trouble you can use toothpaste on the affected parts of skin before to bed.
- Take a cotton ball with a small quantity of lemon juice and keep it to the affected areas to reduce redness and swelling.
If you follow these tips you will clear your pimples in just three days or you can less it. You can consult your dermatologist if the problem recurs. Other remedies of removing acne include your personal hygiene, eating healthy diets and drink plenty quantity of water daily.