If you spend all day staring at a computer screen, reading small print or completing close reading tasks your eyes can suffer. Concentrating for any length of time on the same task, for example, playing computer games, can also lead to eye strain and weary eyes. Eyestrain is in fact a form of muscle cramp.
To alleviate tired eyes it is essential you take regular breaks from constantly focusing on close objects, your computer screen or television.
Exercising the eyes releases tension and offers quick relief from eye strain. If left untreated, constant eye strain can lead to headaches and a build up of tension in your body. If you are going through a stressful life issue, your eyes may look tired, lifeless and dull. As they say, your eyes are the window to your soul.
Yoga eye exercises can help to sooth and calm tired eyes. The exercises help relax your eyes and bring more oxygen to them. Practice them 2 - 5 times during your day, especially during periods of intense close concentrated work. When you practice these exercises, keep your head still, relax your shoulders, breathe steadily and just move your eyes.
6 Simple Yoga Exercises to Relieve Tired Puffy Eyes
1. Open your eyes wide, look from side to side 10 times, then up and down and then diagonally 10 times.
2. Imagine you are staring at the face of a clock. Starting at 12 o'clock, slowly move your eyes from minute to minute along the clock until you return to 12 o'clock. Rest your eyes then repeat going in anti-clockwise direction.
3. Hold your hands about 30cm in front of your face, with your palms facing you and fingers pointing straight up. Breathe in and slowly move your hands apart and look at a distance object. Breathe out and slowly bring your hands back together again, switch your focus and bring your attention to look at your palms. Repeat this simple exercise 5 - 10 times.
4. Look straight ahead, hold your hand up about 30cm in front of your face and gaze at your thumb, then look into the distance. Relax and repeat 5 - 10 times. Change hands and look at the other thumb.
5. Close your eyes and press the tips of your fingers to the outer edges of your eyes. Gently massage this area using small circular motions. Relax and repeat 3 - 5 times.
6. Close your eyes. Rub your palms vigorously together to warm them up and get the energy circulating quicker. Cup your hands over your closed eyes for 30 - 90 seconds. Stay focused on your breath before gradually releasing your hands.
Regular practice of these easy eye exercises will help to release eye strain caused by focused concentrated work, they will ease tension from your body and offer quick relief from the over exposure of repeated focused work.
And now you can claim your FREE instant access to my Yoga In Bed Exercises - Easy Yoga Postures To Help Kick-Start Your Day when you visit http://www.yogainspires.co.uk
Blessings From Ntathu Allen, Your Personal Yoga and Meditation Teacher. Visit me for further support and encouragement on your personal wellness journey on http://www.yogainspires.co.uk
Blessings From Ntathu Allen, Your Personal Yoga and Meditation Teacher. Visit me for further support and encouragement on your personal wellness journey on http://www.yogainspires.co.uk
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ntathu_Allen
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